Volunteer sIGN UP

We hope everyone is getting excited for the upcoming Storybook Tales performances! To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all cast members, we would like to share some important information regarding volunteer opportunities. 


This year, we kindly request that each cast member family signs up for a minimum of three (3) shifts. This will ALMOST cover all of the available slots, so if there are families that would like to volunteer for 4 slots, your extra help is so appreciated. While we understand that committing to three shifts might seem like a lot, you are not alone in managing them. Engage relatives – whether it's an aunt, uncle, grandparent, or even an older sibling – to assist. We embrace the spirit of collaboration and shared responsibility.

There are two sign-ups. One is for all things related to tech week and performances and is labeled "Storybook Tales." The other is for food items needed for the Tea with Fancy Nancy. While you are more than welcome to sign up for more than 1 food item, please understand that signing up for more than 1 of these does not count toward the 3 slots needed (ie. if you sign up for 2, 3, or even 4 food items, this counts as 1 of the 3 slots requested). Warm bodies are essential to the success of the performances, so please make sure at least 2 of your sign-ups contribute your presence. 


For high school students seeking service-learning hours, our BRAVO executive committee members are available to sign off on the necessary paperwork. This presents a wonderful opportunity to contribute, learn, and gain valuable experience while supporting a cherished community event.

Please sign up below  

Food for Tea with Fancy Nancy

Storybook Tales 

Attention greensboro ballet Alumni 

We know Greensboro Ballet has touched the lives of so many people over the years! If you're a former dancer or student with Greensboro Ballet and you're interested in giving back, please let us know!

Volunteer at an event!  One way you can make a difference for all the students at Greensboro Ballet today is to consider volunteering at an event! You can remember the countless hours of work that go in to putting on our annual productions, including The Nutcracker. We often need stage hands, dressing room attendants and ushers! Please complete a volunteer interest form, and someone will reach out to you!